Legal Compliances
Help and Heal Foundation Trust Is a non-profit registered trust engaged in charitable activities to help people from under-privileged sections of our society in the fields of Healthcare, Education and Environment. The foundation was formed and its trust deed was executed on 19th January, 2023 at Delhi.
The Trust is registered with NGO Darpan with Unique ID No. DL/2023/0337297 Dt. 7/2/2023
The trust is registered under Sections 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act vide Registration No. AACTH7931H23DL02 Dt. 6/2/2024 for receiving donations as well as enabling individuals or organizations to get income tax deductions in amount of donations against the donations made by them to the foundation, respectively.
Kindly click on the Registration Certificates to view.

Trust Deed
Dt. 18 January, 2023

Registration NGO Darpan

Registration 12A & 80G
Dt. 6th February, 2024

MSME Registration
Dt. 28th June, 2023